Monday, April 16, 2012


People are often fooled by the superficial. Thinking what you see is what you get. There is more underneath and you can miss out on a good thing because you let your eyes decide instead of letting your mind be your guide.
When we chose one for the superficial insecurity becomes and issue. Late night arguing over who will win and loose.
Telling me what you will do if I choose to have sex or leave for another.
I refuse to let you dominate or even try to dictate. Relationships are over rated and often too complicated.
You will not control me. There must have been a miscommunication in our relations.
I have contemplated our frustrations and made a decision.
You are eliminated. We are done.
See you only dated me to confiscate me from the one who was about more than the superficial. The one who wants to share a life, and be guided by the light.
Now that isn’t right.
You were selfish from the start now you are left with a lonely heart.
Let your mind be your guide and not your eyes because they can’t see behind the superficial disguise.

1 comment:

  1. I have been judged for being different-- I have a mental illness and dont always come across like everyone else. Thank you for putting my thoughts down on paper. I am having a real down day and it helps to know I'm not alone.


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