Monday, March 26, 2012

Truth over Everything

Today a friend said to me "don't ever change continue to be honest or you will be miserable later on." Sometimes our honesty leaves us with nothing but the truth. We often lose those who we thought were friends because of our honesty and often times we wait for forgiveness from those we love for being so truthful.
Should we withhold information to sacrafice feelings? I don't think so,why become miserable based on someone elses feelings,thoughts,or emotions? Forgive-Laugh-Move on and never speak on it again as my dear friend puts it.
We as human beings make mistakes and frankly being honest isn't one. We hurt the people we love more or less but, if the love shared is unconditional there isn't any love lost only a love continously growing.


  1. that was nicely said, beautiful and the truth...
    walk with your head up, face your mistakes learn from them and walk proud in this crazy life. dont let anyone tell you being honest is the wrong. so my warning to all if you dont want the truth and cant forgive for her honesty then you dont desever her as your friend!!!

  2. As long as we/people walk in the flesh, we will hurt and disappoint one another. Christ is the only one that offers love unconditional. People try their best, but oftentimes fail. Until we get to the other side, forgiveness is all we have to sustain us. Oprah once said that forgiveness is a gift that we give to ourselves.

    I did that and it was the best present ever!


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