Friday, January 21, 2011

My quote for today.

Love has no limits neither and does hatred which would you rather surround your being with?
We can tell our families we love them but how deep is that love to turn around and speak out I hate you when you are mad? How deep is the love to our mate when we raise our fists to get a point across? Love is strong sometimes as strong as hate it is up to us to eliminate that which is taking up space and causing us to live in disgrace.
-April Harris

1 comment:

  1. Peace is what i chose to surround myself with. Its peace within that gives you a clear view of whats standing in front of you. Having peace within yourself helps with the wisdom to make the decision on whether you want to deal with the "extra" that may be called love. Once you have conquered true peace within our haterd that may be tied into our love will eliminate itself.


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